Did you know that crooked and misaligned dentition is more than an aesthetic problem? If left untreated, it will lead to plaque build-up and calcular deposits. This will give bacteria an entry point, the gingival sulcus. This area of gum is called free gingiva and it is not attached to your dentition.
If you use the Bass tooth brushing technique, you will notice that you are told to start at the gumline and bring the brush to the incisal edge. This method and flossing can more or less eradicate plaque. If you have crooked or overlapping teeth, however, there may be some areas that will not receive proper debridement.
Properly aligned teeth will lessen your chances of experiencing early tooth loss while improving the aesthetic appearance of your mouth. Dr. Seth Newman, your orthodontist serving Long Island, has a high level of experience with all types of malocclusions. The span of treatment will depend on the severity of the case. On average, you will need to maintain your appliance for approximately 2 years. It may take longer for patients with crowded dentition in comparison to those with large diastemas or spaces between their teeth.
Maintaining you braces is a relatively easy task. Remember to floss your teeth at least twice daily to avoid plaque and visit Dr. Newman regularly for orthodontic adjustments. Overlapped or crowded dentition may require the use of spacers. Dr. Newman will teach you how to insert the tiny rubber bands in between your dentition, if necessary.
You can have that smile you have always wanted. All you need to do is invest in orthodontic treatment with a specialist who has a great deal of expertise in this field. To learn more about orthodontic treatment options, call Newman Orthodontics at 516.626.2060 and schedule a consultation today.
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