Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Are clear braces actually “clear”?

In the past, orthodontic treatments involving teeth realignment were typically performed using traditional dental braces with wires and brackets in order to straighten crooked, misaligned or crowded teeth. Although effective, traditional dental braces can be unsightly, especially for image-conscious teenagers.
However, advancements in dental technology have given rise to clear braces that provide all of the function of traditional dental braces, but without much of the adverse effect that normal dental braces might have on a person’s image.
Clear braces aren’t actually completely clear and so are not invisible in the wearer’s mouth. Instead, clear braces are fabricated from ceramic materials and alloys that appear to be clear; while traditional metallic braces are instantly noticeable, casual observers will likely fail to notice a person is wearing clear braces at all without closer inspection.
Clear braces work in the same fashion as traditional braces; they are fitted by an orthodontist as a means to exert pressure on specific teeth in order to slowly pull them into position and correct issues such as overbites, underbites, or to correct spaces between teeth to improve alignment.
In addition to their clear appearance, clear braces are also lighter and less bulky in the mouth.
For a completely clear solution to realign teeth, consider Invisalign as an alternative to clear braces. Although many people believe the two to be one-and-the-same, they are in fact two distinctly different treatments. While clear braces follow the same bracket and wire model of traditional braces, Invisalign involves the use of transparent trays that a patient wears for a period of time over their teeth.
Invisalign treatment involves a wearer using a series of clear mouth-guards that have been created to shift teeth in pre-determined small increments over a period of time. Each mouth-guard is worn for around two weeks, before it is discarded and the next one in the sequence is worn, again for a period of around two weeks. The treatment continues on a similar cycle until the desired result is achieved.
And so, for any image conscious teenager – or adult – who is seeking a method of improving their smile through the orthodontic realignment of teeth, there are methods available to allow them to do so, from clear braces to Invisalign.
Contact Newman Orthodontics, serving Long Island, to schedule your orthodontic evaluation today.

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