As we age, there are three main motivators for seeking orthodontic treatment:
· Cosmetic concerns (We want teeth that are straighter and more attractive.)
· Functional concerns (We want teeth that fit together properly and jaw joints that function smoothly)
· Periodontal concerns (We can reduce the risk of gum disease when we are better able to clean between the teeth and near the gumline.)
Whether you are interested in a smile that looks better, a smile that is easier to clean, or teeth that fit together better, you'll find that orthodontics is the ideal solution.
Braces are not an uncommon treatment option for adults. Of course, the treatment is slightly faster and more predictable when performed during the childhood and teenage years when the bone is softer and still growing. Once the bone (and the patient) has matured, it becomes denser, making tooth movement just a little more challenging.
Postponing your treatment until adulthood could also mean that mild problems may become more advanced. Crowding, jaw joint problems, and the risk for gum disease and cavities can increase significantly without prompt intervention. The treatment for these conditions is likely to become more complex as each year passes.
But, should you choose to wait until you are older, be assured that adult patients can still reap tremendous benefits from limited or comprehensive orthodontic treatment.
It feels good to treat yourself to the dental care that you need and want. The anticipation of the final outcome makes the whole process even more exciting, plus there are more options than ever for achieving the smile that you desire. With modern orthodontic solutions, adult patients have access to clear, removable, or low-profile alternatives that can make the process more comfortable and more discreet.
It's never too late to improve your smile. Whether you’re a pre-teen, a high school student, or a parent, there is an orthodontic solution that will work perfectly for you. Start by contacting the office of Dr. Seth Newman today for a consultation.