Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Invisalign Orthodontic Treatment for Comfort and Convenience

If you suspect that you may need braces soon or in the future, there is no need to worry. Braces no longer have to be the hassle they used to be. Advancement in orthodontics have made it so that getting braces is now more convenient than ever—and best of all, many methods can barely be seen. Among these methods is Invisalign, a new approach to braces that is not only convenient, but comfortable as well.

With Invisalign, the traditional metal wires and brackets are eliminated. Instead,
Invisalign consists of clear plastic aligners which are virtually impossible to see. These aligners are customized and molded in order to match the shape of each patient’s mouth. The aligners act as traditional braces, gently repositioning the patient’s teeth back to their correct position.
Check-ups every several weeks are necessary to ensure that your teeth are responding properly. These are brief visits that simply make certain the fit of the aligners is correct and that treatment is progressing as planned.
Invisalign offers further convenience in the fact that they can be removed when you eat. Your orthodontist may recommend that you still remain on a soft diet for a few days after being fitted, but that’s where the inconvenience stops.  Invisalign is comfortable, convenient, and an amazing alternative to traditional metal braces.

So if you have crooked teeth and suspect that you might need braces but have shied away due to the stereotypes, you no longer have to postpone treatment. Keep in mind that untreated crooked teeth can lead to much bigger problems if they are not treated in a timely manner. With Invisalign, you now have a more manageable and convenient approach to braces.
Contact our skilled and dedicated team at Newman Orthodontics today to get started. With Invisalign, you can regain your former dazzling smile in comfort without worrying about how it will alter your appearance.