Monday, April 22, 2013

When is Early Orthodontic Intervention Recommended?

Orthodontic treatment can be a topic of contention for many parents. After all, a child’s teeth and jaw bone are still developing, and continue to do so well into their teenage years. However, an orthodontic screening should be carried out early in the child’s life so that dental problems that might affect the child in later years can be detected earlier.
Most dentists recommend that children from the age of seven should receive orthodontic screening. This age is a common age where many children begin to lose their child, or ‘baby’ teeth, and begin to receive their adult teeth. This transitional period between teeth is often the best time to discover whether there are likely to be dental anomalies in the development of teeth that might affect dental health.
Such anomalies can include crooked teeth, which in turn can affect the biting strength and bite pattern; in time, this can lead to tooth impaction and bruxism. Early intervention at this age can help to prevent these, and other major dental health problems from occurring.
A child’s jaw is still developing at this age, and so it is much easier for an orthodontist to correct, through such treatments as braces, which serve to straighten and realign teeth that are out-of-position. Because the child’s jaw and bones are still developing, they tend to be softer and more pliable, and so it becomes easier to correct issues of realignment.
Other issues can occur, and crowded teeth can create pockets which are notoriously difficult to clean effectively, and so can harbor harmful bacteria which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Speech impediments, such as a lisp, could also manifest as a result of incorrectly aligned teeth.
 And, as children grow older, they become more self-conscious about their appearance – and this includes their smile! Having a good-looking smile goes a long way towards building confidence, not only through the aesthetic aspects, but also in other areas, such as aiding in speech and eating. Orthodontic treatment can help to develop a child’s confidence in these areas.
It often pays to have a child receive an orthodontic screening early in life; by doing so, potential dental problems can be detected and corrected much easier. By giving a child the best smile possible in their earlier years, they can grow with the confidence that a beautiful smile can bring.