Monday, May 7, 2012

Am I Still a Candidate for Invisalign if I’ve had Braces?

It is absolutely acceptable and sometimes necessary to repeat orthodontic treatment even years after the braces have been removed. Often, patients who have completed the orthodontic process with traditional braces as a teen or a child may have a need for further treatment as an adult.
 If you have noticed that the teeth have shifted out of position, you may wish to have them realigned in order to produce a more esthetic and uniform smile. As an adult, however, you may be unwilling to undergo the traditional treatment that includes metal braces and brackets.
The Invisalign procedure offers an effective and comfortable alternative to the traditional method. Your orthodontist can utilize a series of customized aligners to realign your teeth. These clear aligners are discreet and virtually invisible to those around you, allowing you to protect your privacy and project a more professional appearance.
The duration of your treatment and the number of aligners that will be required will need to be determined by your orthodontist. In many cases, a limited treatment may be recommended, lasting anywhere from a few months to a year. In fact, as an Invisalign patient, you will hold much of the success of your treatment in the palm of your hand. Adhering to your orthodontist’s instructions and wearing your aligners as recommended can significantly shorten the treatment period.
If you recall a less than pleasurable experience with braces, you may be hesitant to proceed with Invisalign. But, fear not! Your experience with Invisalign can be far more comfortable than the braces that linger in your memory.
Your new aligners will not pinch or irritate your soft tissue. They are fabricated from a smooth, lightweight plastic that has been contoured to your anatomy. Although these aligners should be worn 24 hours each day, they can be removed for eating and drinking. You will also be permitted to remove the aligners for brushing and flossing after meals.
Whether you have had braces in the past or you are a first-time orthodontic patient, you can still be a candidate for the Invisalign procedure. Call Newman Orthodontics, serving Long Island, for an appointment today to discuss your options.