If the bite is out of alignment and the top teeth do notcorrespond correctly to the bottom teeth, chewing or speaking may be impacted.But can this malocclusion cause headaches? Absolutely!
When the teeth in the two arches do not meet correctly, theybasically slide off each either during normal daily functions. Although usuallydone subconsciously, this deviation in the bite can result in clenching orgrinding the teeth. Often done during sleep, grinding and clenching can becomeso habitual that you might catch yourself doing it during your waking hours aswell.
When you clench your jaw or grind your teeth, you areputting excessive pressure on the bones and muscles. The result is a headache,jaw ache, tooth ache or neck ache. How can you tell if your headache is aresult of malocclusion or some other cause?
Your dentist can conduct a simple test where a specialcolored paper is placed between the teeth. Tapping on the paper with teeth willreveal where the teeth are hitting and missing during the biting motion. If amalocclusion is diagnosed, dental braces are a good option for correction.
Orthodontics is a great solution for a cross bite, overbiteor under bite. X-rays and dental impressions taken prior to treatment willdemonstrate exactly what is needed to correct the bite.
Dental braces slowly reposition the teeth by applying thecorrect amount of pressure over time to achieve the desired results. Once theocclusion has been corrected, patients no longer experience the teeth slidingoff each other while eating or speaking.
To keep teeth from returning to an incorrect bite, aretainer is generally worn. The length of time needed for teeth to remembertheir new correct position varies.
Once grinding and clenching has been resolved due to acorrection in your occlusion, headaches due to bite issues should cease. As anadded bonus, you now have a beautiful smile to enjoy for a lifetime.
For more information and to schedule your consultation in Long Island, contact Newman Orthodontics at 516-626-2060.