Friday, June 22, 2012

What Causes Crooked or Misaligned Teeth?

There are many factors that play a role in the position of your teeth. If you are dealing with overcrowded, crooked or misaligned teeth, the solution may be a visit to our office to discuss how orthodontics can work for you.
When born, genetics determine your jaw bone and the shape your pallet will take as you grow. In extreme cases these are internal factors that can be surgically altered, if needed. But the majority of patients will be able to resolve any problems resulting from lack of jaw space or small pallet through orthodontics.  
If permanent teeth grow that are too large for the jaw to accommodate, this creates overcrowding usually resulting in an over bite or cross bite. There isn’t anything to be done to control the size of permanent teeth, but if overcrowding is the problem, extracting one or a couple of teeth will allow the remaining teeth to shift back to a better position usually with the help of braces.
Many youngsters rely on sucking their thumb or fingers as a source of comfort. Unfortunately, this can develop into a habit that impacts how permanent teeth develop. The constant pressure placed on the upper pallet of teeth through thumb sucking can force the teeth to grow in at a crooked angle.
Teeth grinding or jaw clenching are usually the result of teeth that are not aligned correctly. Unfortunately the grinding just exacerbates the problem by adding the discomfort of ache in the jaw, neck, head, ear or teeth. Wear and tear from teeth grinding can compound misalignment resulting in broken teeth.
Since many of the traits that dictate how our teeth will develop are inherited, this is a watch and wait situation. However, as a child grows those biannual visits to the dentist become very important. You can visualize an aesthetic problem developing, but your dentist can detect any problems that can develop from improper alignment.
Teeth that overlap or come in crooked create an ideal location for plaque build-up. These areas become difficult to reach with a toothbrush trapping food, allowing plaque to form, which ultimately leads to tooth decay or gum disease.
Orthodontics can resolve many issues while offering the patient a beautiful smile that will boost self-confidence for a lifetime. To learn about your orthodontic options, contact the office of Dr. Seth Newman, serving Long Island and the surrounding areas, to schedule your professional consultation.